Transport and Logistics

We are a company specialized for over 20 years in the food transport, and not only that, on the whole national territory and along the main European routes.

Born as a specialist in logistics of ultra-fresh products, through the years, the company has extended its business to frozen and shelf stable categories. At the same time, the company has strengthened all the activity linked to the management of its warehouse.

Founded by Battagliola’s brothers, the B&B enterprise is located in Northern Italy, Manerbio (Brescia)

A flexible service to which, in recent years, we have integrated reliable logistics services.

Our numbers

sqm. of Warehouse

A surface made up of transit points, refrigerated and room temperature areas.


75 owned and 45 directly managed

mln €

Turnover 2019





Room Temperature


What we transport

Fresh, extremely fresh and frozen products, even those that need to be transported at room temperature.

Innovation and immediacy

Two nouns in which we identify. We are innovative, because we are always ready to adopt new solutions, in transport as in logistics. We are immediate, because we work with extraordinary rapidity and timeliness.

Respect for the environment

A commitment in constant evolution: just like us.
We constantly update our fleet, replacing the most polluting vehicles, with the aim of reducing the emission of CO² into the air.


Tracking on time

Thanks a software that allows optimal operational management of the fleet, we are in constant communication with all vehicles. We monitor their movements, ensuring efficient and timely interventions: for safe and smooth travel.


Delivery in 24h

Real-time deliveries.
Within 24h throughout Northern and Central Italy, within 48/60 hours throughout Southern Italy-Islands and along the main European routes.


Among our customers

Some of the customers served, who recognize the quality of B&B services.